Reserva a l’Índia és el procés de deixar de banda un cert percentatge d’escons (vacants) en les institucions del govern per als membres de les comunitats endarrerides i subrepresentats (definida principalment per la casta i tribu). Reserva és una forma d’acció afirmativa basada en la quota. Reserva es regeix per les lleis constitucionals, lleis estatutàries i regles locals i regulacions. Castes (SC), Tribus (ST) i altres classes endarrerides (OBC) són els principals beneficiaris de les polítiques de reserva en virtut de la Constitució - amb l’objecte de garantir un "nivell" camp de joc.
@S9L9NK4 anys4Y
Yes, but with creamy layer exclusion.
@S9SFBR4 anys4Y
Yes, but people who have already benefited with the reservations should stop using it for their next generation. The whole purpose of reservation is to get the downtrodden on par with others.
@SBCTX54 anys4Y
Reservations are needed but the beneficiaries need to be properly identified. Focus must be on empowering through quality education from the primary classes not by offering reservations on a higher level
@SBVY724 anys4Y
No. But support time-bound reservations based on the Economic Criteria for the very low income groups.
@SBYJS24 anys4Y
make it irrelevant by increasing opportunities
@SCLQFV4 anys4Y
Combination of economic criterion, very verifiable caste based reservation and bound to one generation and / or proof of socio-economic advancement / betterment
@SCMJMH4 anys4Y
@SCQ2L44 anys4Y
Yes, but it should be based on finacial status and not caste. There are several SC's ST's who are wealthy and still misuse the caste-based reservation.
@SB9LGW4 anys4Y
Difficult to do away with caste based reservation entirely for now. We should start enabling backward community and this is a long process before we can let go of caste based reservations