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Yes but provide assistance to enable the Syrian people to be repatriated to their homeland

Yes, but we should covertly monitor them and protect them from Hate speech

 @92QJ8LZBharatiya Janataanswered…2yrs2Y

yes , all the people except muslims and they need to pay for their residence card fees for 3 years , or do a job and pay taxes


we cannot handle the burden of more individuals in an already overpopulated country that has to wisely divide the resources amongst its citizens

 @8Z62P5TMarxist Communistanswered…2yrs2Y

India as a densely populated country should not allow other refugees to enter. In india getting a empty last is a hectic job becouse of the population, if more people enter then it will bad for them as they won't get good services and it will bad for Indian citizens as well.

 @8XXCPCZBharatiya Janataanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only in cases where they don't believe in intolerant memes.


Not against anyone ,but we already have a population problem which is set to overtake China very soon.


Only a limited amount of refugees should be allowed. Refugees who have skills and can contribute to the Indian economy should be allowed the refugee status in India after a thorough check on their background to prevent terrorism from entering India.


No, because there is little place in India and already the complexities and problems are huge here.



Yes, only if it does not interfere with the employment of Indian citizens and after the refugees have been given proper language training.


No, but provide possible aid. We are already at maximum capacity unfortunately


Let India feed all its citizens first and acquire 100% literacy before trying to help others

 @8SKTYK6Bharatiya Janataanswered…3yrs3Y

No , but help them . We don't have enough resources and space for more people ,but we can help them .

 @8R4BX4ZAam Aadmianswered…3yrs3Y


If our country is facing problems in providing resources to refugees they shouldn't be allowed as it will only deprive them of the lives they hoped for.


Given the situation our country is in it wouldn’t be able to accommodate anymore people especially when our country has very little job opportunities and poverty is on the rise


No, unless an international framework which requires every country to accept refugees on equitable grounds.


Accept until a particular tenure. Give aid till then. Those who contribute to Indian national development to a larger extent should get citizenship.


Accepting any refugees right now would just be charity that we can't afford. Later, if we are in a better position, maybe.


 @93WVTRT from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

Divide them equally with others countries. Why should my taxes have to pay for 100% of refugees? Europe should divide refugees between all of their countries and the u s could take a certain percentage.


They should be settled in countries close to Syria that have the same kind of culture and language as them.

  @93G2RP7 from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but the government should spend any money on getting them to the United States or taking care of them

 @8T9D7X5 from California answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but if only they are threatened non-Muslim minorities like Assyrians or Druze.

 @93DSRN9 from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

 @9375CQF from California answered…2yrs2Y

 @9375CLT from California answered…2yrs2Y

 @92ZYZRW from Missouri answered…2yrs2Y

 @932YGD7 from Texas answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but with circumstances that allow them to become legal citizens or stay on a visa.


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