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i think, no, it should not be mandatory.but ncc should be compulsory for fit students till class 12th.

 @9H4VTF2Bharatiya Janataanswered…5mos5MO

school should incorporate some basic military training of 2 year which is spread between 6 year 6th class to 12 helps in building disciplines and good character and help in self defence and organisation


Yes, unless the person has any condition which would make it difficult for him/her to pursue military service

 @9CQ6WD2Bharatiya Janataanswered…10mos10MO

Yes, so that they can survive during natural calamities. Self defence skills must be improved for every person

 @9CQ5NK5Indian National Congressanswered…10mos10MO

Ideally Yes, but current education system need to be reformed for the same.


Yes, but only for those who are starting to build a criminal record and the focus must be more in skill development and less on military training.

 @9CPZZCGBharatiya Janataanswered…10mos10MO

It matters on population . For country like Israel it's good for india there is already a huge military


Yes but more as part of self defence technique than a proper military training

 @9CPVJC4Independentfrom Georgia answered…10mos10MO

yes, but with less focus on military training and more focus on social service

 @99DLQSPBharatiya Janatafrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

 @8XXCPCZBharatiya Janataanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, especially when you are going in a government job which has less accountability to people


Yes, but for those who do not wish to pursue further education, and with the same amount of focus on military training and education and skill development, and it should be at least two years of service

 @9D6ZZKKIndian National Congressanswered…9mos9MO

No , But With More Focus On Military Traing And Less Focus On Education And Skill Development


Every education institution from schools should mandatorily provide basic military skills, Yoga, training in ancient skills like kalari, and the best should be selected from them to give additional military training depending on the place they should be assigned, like in arunachal pradesh mountain hiking skill etc., particular skill should be required to particular area because of diverse areas and situations in our country, they should be selected permanently as a military officer depending on their skill set

 @9CQJK3PDravida Munnetra Kazhagamanswered…10mos10MO

Military service should be made an attractive career option. Compulsory conscription leads to well-trained fighters who can use their skills to the detriment of a society already having deep inequalities.


Ideally it should be based upon free will, so I would say no. However, if a country has a very low population, it cannot easily get sufficient voluntary conscripts who're willing to serve a fixed period of service. Such countries have no other option than to impose mandatory service of 1-3 years upon its graduating students. This wouldn't be all required if no country strived to maintain a military.

 @9CPLV5DBharatiya Janataanswered…10mos10MO

 @9C6DQJJMarxist Communistanswered…11mos11MO

Yes, giving the option of the military, fire department or Charitable organisations

 @9B97TLZfrom Illinois answered…1yr1Y


government should not force everyone. but if some one is interested then they can take him


There should be compulsory 4 years military training for men and 3 years military training for women


Yes but those who are fit for service along with others left being trained for survival skills, education and skill development.


No, it should be a choice. although such a short service scheme can be initiated for attracting more students.



 @8PSRSQ2Bharatiya Janataanswered…3yrs3Y

Indian Army is self sufficient to fight wars on 2.5 fronts at a time.


First they have to check their medical reports and check whether they are willing to serve their country or not.

 @8PQHF36Bharatiya Janataanswered…3yrs3Y

Every 18+ should be given basic training so that all can self defense and can be ready if call by defence.


How do you perceive the balance between individual freedom and civic duty when considering a year of compulsory military service?


If given a choice, would you prefer alternative forms of national service, such as in healthcare or community work, over military service?


How might a year of mandatory service affect relationships and family planning for young adults?


Do you feel that the discipline and structure of the military could be an effective tool in shaping responsible adults, or is it too restrictive?


Would the obligation to serve in the military for a year influence your voting decisions or political involvement?


In what ways do you think requiring a year of military service might change your perspective on global conflicts and national security?


How do you think mandatory military service at 18 could affect the sense of national identity and unity among young people?


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