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No any interference in Democratic processes make India look autocratic


On on adversary countries. Manipulate their elections so that the adversary countries do not under any circumstances be united and stand against us. For this we will use covert operations and election influence. What we want to know is that what makes them take a particular decision and what variables influence that decision making (on a political level)

 @9BVSN3Lfrom Uttaradit answered…12mos12MO

 @9CXNWBXBharatiya Janataanswered…9mos9MO

Not in too much capacity untill we get into position of strength similar to China.


If India was a Maoist state then yes to defeat reactionary elements in other countries.

 @9CQTP72Bharatiya Janataanswered…10mos10MO

Interfere in other countries when it helps secure Indian interests and if it doesn’t backfire. Typically neighbourhood is where we can do that

 @9CPVJRNBharatiya Janatafrom Ontario answered…10mos10MO

 @9CPM65QBharatiya Janataanswered…10mos10MO

Only to those countries which has a track record of intervention in our democracy.

 @92YHQCV from California answered…2yrs2Y

No, after all, we should not try to influence any other country’s elections or policy because it’s not only ended in disaster in the long run, but it would be considered a Crime against Democracy, aka Democracide. However, personally, we should, but only to A. address security threats, not monetary interests, B. protect the country from human rights violations by a tyrannical ruler, and C. influence public opinion, & not tamper with a fair voting process, just as long as our actions are not considered a Democracide aka Crimes against Democracy, then I’m for it.

 @8T9PVBS from Texas answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, other countries are interfering with our elections too much and we should start doing it back


Yes, to the extent that not doing so would have catastrophic consequences for the world. As such, this should only be done against countries who are endangering the world via nuclear threat or climate change-related behaviors. Which is to say Russia and Brazil specifically, maybe India.

 @8TB798W from Texas answered…2yrs2Y

 @8Y9795B from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only if a potential leader is a threat to countries outside of the one they'd be elected to.

 @8KTRB5Z from Ohio answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only to protect the country from human rights violations by a tyrannical ruler. The U.S. government should not tamper with the voting process of foreign elections.


Yes, but only publicly; no country should covertly influence or interfere with foreign elections.


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