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100 Replies


In your opinion, does the current debate about transgender athletes reflect deeper societal values around fairness and equality?


In my opinion, I think they should be provided with new category of their own gender.


Transgender people who have undergone surgical transition should be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth.

Yes, but only if a qualified biologist allows them to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth.



No, but separate categories must be created for them in athletic events


Yes, but they can have exclusive events where all transgenders can take part just like how we have and male and female candidates

 @8QMSPWNBharatiya Janataanswered…4yrs4Y

a third gender category should be made And they should be allowed to take part in that category. they should not be allowed to take part in men or women category.


Yes. Our society should move beyond gender and recognise individual capabilities and contributions rather than sticking to regressive gender norms



Setup a diverse committee that includes transgender individuals to determine which category a transgender person would compete in


Yes. And if categories are to be created, then they should be. Identifying athletes can participate there. All athletes should be allowed to compete. We should find ways to accommodate them while keeping sports competitive.


 @92XJ8SQ from New York  answered…3yrs3Y


Do you think sports should continue enforcing categories based on gender or shift towards a different model altogether?


Yes. All athletes should have the opportunity to compete according to their biological sex.


Transgender athletes should either compete based on their biological sex, or in a separate category.

 @92XHZ6C from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y


Depending on their physical capabilities I think they should, but they should be equal to the other athletes


 @9366CMT from California  answered…3yrs3Y

 @926PBTG from Texas  answered…3yrs3Y


Yes, this should be the decision of the hosts of the competitions, not a government mandate

 @8ZLD3MT from Oklahoma  answered…3yrs3Y

I feel as if that you’re transgender you’re automatically that gender whether you gone through the full thing over not

 @8ZGPKM9 from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y

 @93VWQKP from Nevada  answered…2yrs2Y

No, but allow transgender athletes to compete in their own sections just for trans-men and trans-women

 @8TFDCSD from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, based on a state or school division stance on the matter not for the federal government to decide.

 @93K5QCN from New Hampshire  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but get rid of gendered sports in general if everything was merged this would be a non-issue

 @10417 from Ohio  answered…4yrs4Y

Regardless, the decision should be made by athletic organizations with no government involvement.

 @6K36GJH from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y


How do you think fairness in sports should be defined when it comes to athletes with different gender identities?


Do you believe that regulations around transgender athletes should be based on hormone levels, or is there another approach you find more fair?


How would you feel if someone you care about was directly affected by restrictions on athletes competing in line with their gender identity?

 @8QDGPDL from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in their own league at more competitive levels. For things like school sports they should be allowed to compete.


Should personal identity or biological factors take precedence when determining which sports category someone competes in?


Have you ever felt excluded from something because of your identity or characteristics, and how does that influence your thoughts on this issue?


How do you think competing in sports affects the identity and self-expression of transgender athletes differently compared to others?


If society moves towards full inclusion of transgender athletes, what potential challenges and benefits do you think this will create in sports culture?


Do you think there is a way for everyone – transgender athletes, other competitors, and fans – to feel respected and supported in competitive sports?

 @Brunk from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @926BVSY from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y

I would say if they did do that it would have to be agreed with all of the other people that around them and in that area. I would just say make sure with everyone before you do it.


The event organizers should be the only ones to have any say in this, and athletics events should receive no public funding or advertising


There should not be any separate competitions based on sex, every athlete should compete together.

 @8QDSNZY from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, as long as they pass the same tests that sis gendered people must pass


 @8QF4T5C from Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but if it occurs that the person makes the decision to revert back to their biological gender in the future, any awards, titles, championships, prize monies, etc earned as a result of their competing as their formerly identified gender, will need to be forfeited (including team titles, championships, etc.)

 @8Q736JS from Texas  answered…3yrs3Y

 @92Z8JX9 from Pennsylvania  answered…3yrs3Y

Regardless, this should be handled by the sports organization in question to allow or deny. The consumer can then decide to support or oppose.

 @8KJKBZ3 from Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes they should be aloud and go on either as a girl or boy depending on what they are identify themselves as.


Athletic event companies should be allowed to allow whichever athletes they want to allow to compete in their competitive athletic competition events for athletes...

 @8RSTXFT from Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only if it is certain that they do not have an unfair advantage against other athletes.

 @8VKGG3L from California  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but they should have their own league separate from gendered leagues.

 @8PK69PX from Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

No. Any person who does should be banned from all public sporting events for life.

 @9425J2G from Florida  answered…2yrs2Y

A professional sport is played by professionals. It should not have any part in politics what so ever and should be left to the respected sports companies.

 @9284RDV from California  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, as long as they meet the same requirements for those who are not transgender

 @8TYT2GB from New Mexico  answered…3yrs3Y


No, but allow the playing of all sports by any gender against any gender

  @8QFWL9B from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

No, cisnormative gendered leagues should be abolished, there should be a general & cis-woman league then anyone can make their own with whatever regulations.

 @8RTX7BQ from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

I dont think its fair because even if they have gone through the process of transition their bodies are still different and nothing against transgender people maybe in some special cases.

 @8QRCFQP from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

  @8XVVHDP from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

No, transgender athletes should compete against other transgender athletes in order to keep competition fair

 @92JXK3J from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

If a trans athlete can prove that them competing will not create an unfair advantage to themselves, then yes. Otherwise competitions reserve the right to refuse them and force them to compete in their biological sex group.

 @8XNRYWL from California  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but inly if the bone density is equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete.

 @8TJ998K from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but they should have their own athletic events separate from men or women.

 @8SFVB8X from North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

If you have a transgender woman who is wrestling, you wouldn't expect a 200 lb. 6'3" athlete to make a fair competition against a 170 lb. 5'6" cis gendered woman

 @8NVGYQW from Nevada  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8J89ZDW from Ohio  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8GBB4FJ from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

It is not the government's place to control athletic events. Leave the decision to the sport's leagues.

  @93HQYDF from Oklahoma  answered…3yrs3Y

Government should not usurp authority for determining participation rules from sports organizations.

 @IINXMP from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, because the federal government doesn't have the jurisdiction to say otherwise.


No, unless they have their own categories |man->female/female->man|, or want to compete with men (which would be tougher)


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