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 @9LCZGRKBharatiya Janatafrom Michigan answered…3wks3W

Walmart and Tesco do not offer particularly unique services. A native Indian company could receive state-sponsorship and replicate the same services for the people


 @9CQ5GHQBharatiya Janataanswered…10mos10MO

Allow entry but ensure Indian money stays in India and is not exported abroad



Balance it out so no one is unemployed. We have graduates but no jobs. Either need more private businesses or FDI companies to aid unemployment rate.


Less, as they don't pay minimum wage and subject the workers to horrible working conditions


Less because they would be paid lesser wage and would not be allowed to form unions to demand better standards at work place

 @8QKX6LKMarxist Communistanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but it should be regulated to an extent such that it doesn't adversely affect local industries

 @8QCVXDFAam Aadmianswered…3yrs3Y

Some access must be given, but not brazenly as it will hurt small shopkeepers because we have a shortage of jobs.

 @8G678BXBharatiya Janataanswered…4yrs4Y

Give the locals minimum 6 years to capture the market and control the retail chain entry make their presence know but minimum.


more ,as long as more than 50 % percent of employees are from the region the stores are established

 @98S5NDBBharatiya Janataanswered…1yr1Y

Less, but should not be stopped at all. Local economies need competition as well at the same time safety from foreign MNCs.

 @98PR2TSfrom California answered…1yr1Y

More since it does have benefits. but not at the risk of local businesses.

 @SCWW63from Maharashtra answered…3yrs3Y

Allow with conditions that they invest in infrastructure and promotion of local products

 @SBXZRPfrom Tamil Nadu answered…3yrs3Y

They must be allowed, however on our own terms. They must be made to comply strictly with local sourcing / local products. There should not be any compromise on labour and other laws that must be complied with business enterprises. No exemptions / no concessions.

 @SBVHBSfrom Karnataka answered…3yrs3Y

Retail chains must invest 50% of their money in supply chain and logistics


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