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 @9JP8R26Bharatiya Janataanswered…3mos3MO

Both should be used. Punishment for violators, and incentives for people who disclose and bring back the money

 @SKT9WBfrom Karnataka answered…3yrs3Y

Punishments and incentives are no use if effective monitoring is not done. The present system has lot of opportunities for leakages. There should be a tightly integrated system which constantly monitors such occurance and speedy disposal of cases

 @SKKZ3NBharatiya Janatafrom Maharashtra answered…3yrs3Y

Give amnesty for coming clean and declaring all assets. But after a set deadline, impose harsh punishment.

 @SKC6YXBharatiya Janatafrom Maharashtra answered…3yrs3Y

Carrot & stick policy : incentives, amnesty to violators for a fixed small period of time, then punishment for both violators and banks. Long term reduction of excessive taxes, taking the nation into a low tax, small government regime.


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