The Thomson Reuters Foundation survey says that India is the fourth most dangerous place in the world for women to live in. Women belonging to any class, caste or creed and religion can be victims of acid throwing, a cruel form of violence and disfigurement, a premeditated crime intended to kill or maim the woman permanently and act as a lesson to 'put her in her place'.
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Making gender neutral laws should be prioirity but also special needs like ngo to promote femisnt ideas in society
Not only women even men are suffering from trans people. If it's a sexual assault like rape then yes the punishment should be server. But if women Is assaulted then people bring up the gender we should ban that first
Instead of Increasing severity of Punishment, ensuring the preparator gets punished is more important.
YES , but punishment of crime should be equal regardless of gender but ban sex selective abortions .
Just enforce existing laws.
@9BX25D4Bharatiya Janata2yrs2Y
Domestic violence should also be considered for men.
no, punishment or fear of punishment is remotely any solution to the problem. in fact one has the gumption of thinking about the consequence he would not commit a violence,
Increasing the severity of punishment doesn't affect the rate of domestic violence. More resources should be directed to protect and help the victims.
Increase the chances of the offender getting caught. Stricter punishment doesn't reduce crime rate .
@8ZYWFBRBharatiya Janata3yrs3Y
Yes and regardless of gender they shd be equal for all
Drastic punishments can only punish the perpetrator, but not beat the crime, there should be more focus on investigating root causes of such crimes in society and developing a working social system that helps mitigate it.
Yes but that should be rehabilitative instead of punitive in nature.
No, it should focus on enforcing the laws we already have first
Yes, but also focus on the root of the issue cause increasing punishment can only do so much
No, we must work on increasing enforcement rather than punishment
No, it's enough that we enforce and implement the existing laws properly.
Rather than punishment, give them counselling, educate them
Yes, but with equally drastic increase in the effort, time and energy spent on finding out whether the alleged accusation is false or true, with heavy punishment for the woman if it turns out to be fake. Degree of punishment should be directly proportional to the availability of evidences for or against the accusation.
Reformative justice is required
Instead of a legalist , retributive approach , there should be an attempt to assess the source of such heinous crimes through behavioural studies so that these can be prevented drastically in the future.
Stricter laws will not solve our problems. Social change is necessary.
Increasing punishment will change nothing
@8TKVWLGBharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
Yes, but only for crimes against women. The punishment for domestic violence should be equal regardless of gender
I believe that increasing punishments is not a solution.
Unclear but domestic abuse ( abuse in real sense) is unacceptable and deterence has to exist, morals, mental health,emotional well being have to be promoted certain schemes to benefit women, some shelter homes etc, alimony provisions are to be at the center regarding this issue some punishment may exist but not for more than a year
@8TFGWXMBharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
With increasing punishment, it should be taken care of that fake accusations also get punished.
Rather than increasing punishment government should focus more on conviction and reporting
India should rather increase the chance of convictions rather than punishments
The fear that they would be brought to action under existing penalties is more effective than the fear of heavier penalties.
No, the existing judicial machinery should work efficiently to make sure that laws already in place are working as they were intended to.
Yes, the current punishment for domestic violence is insufficient. However, the punishment for the crime should be independent of the gender of the perpetrator.
We need Gender Neutral Domestic Violenece Laws
@8SYTP94Bharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
Yes , for domestic violence and for both men and not enforce any selective gender biased law because both men and women can be subject to domestic violence
@8SY53XJBharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
crime against woman like "rape" should be given death penalty. But the case should be always thoroughly investigated with least bias and no innocent should be punished. If a woman is falsely accusing of someone of rape, then that woman should be punished.
It Should increase judicial capacity so justice is delivered as early as possible
context is important. based on circumstance, context and solid evidence, punishment should be equally severe
@8S99WFCBharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
Yes, but also add more checks against false convictions for the same
@8RZLN76Biju Janata Dal4yrs4Y
The existing laws need to be better enforced
Proper education with the lessons of gender equality should have a higher priority
@8RYCMZQBharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
Rather judicial and police reforms are needed both to provide premtive action and swift justice for deterrence
No, the current system needs to be strictly implemented
There must be an emphasis on educating the public about such instances than to just blankly increase punishments.
No, drastic increase of punishment will not lead to the desired results as crimes against women themselves aren't taken seriously in the country
Enforce given punishment
It can be increased in severe cases but should be equal for everyone regardless of gender.
No, there should be a focus on rehabilitation of the criminal instead
Increase in punishment has never shown better results instead start educating young minds so that they move past gender roles and don’t think of committing such heinous crimes
Yes, but it should work together with a campaign to change people's minds, as it's more important
Educate people so well that they never think of such thinks later after educating punishment must be harsh
@8QJMXRFBharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
India should improve their law and order instead of making new laws.
Societal problems will reduce as society liberalizes. Not by passing some law.
They must increase the penality and also ensure that every child has access to sex education which will reduce these crimes in the future
Yes, as long as there are strong criteria to prove that it is not a false complaint.
The problem is not punishment but implementation.
Laws have to be gender neutral. Domestic violence can be done by a woman as well against a man.
@8PY2VNYBharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
Government should work on sex education and should make them More aware
Yes, but it should be fair to all and not just to women.
Ban sex selective abortion , Punishment for crime should be same also false claims issue should be addressed
@8PPK957Bharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
Yes, but give equally severe punishments to women if they falsely claim rape cases against innocent men.
Yes, punishment should be increased but it should take into account the skewed aspect of rural vs urban populations, meaning, I've seen way to many fake FIRs lodged in the cities. Whereas in the rural areas the law is absolutely needed.
no, but increase in education and awareness of women rights among everyone and ensure greater inclusiveness of women among every sector of society
@8P25ZW7Bharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
The punishment should be increased for men, women, and the third gender
No, punishment should be the same regardless of gender but investigations need to be much faster and much more thorough. Justice should be more accessible.
No, punishment of crimes should be equal regardless of gender, and increased penalties will directly increase the number of unfair prosecutions and false claims
@8KSLC2ZBharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
Yes, but increasing penalties above current limits may result in unfair prosecution or false claims so for that, the court needs to give speedy and good judgment
Yes, there is a need for stronger laws that punish domestic violence and sexual crimes, but it should be the same regardless of gender. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence and sexual violence.
@9CRB5RKBharatiya Janata2yrs2Y
Yes but focus on fixing conviction rates of police investigation and reducing investigation time first
Slowly move towards gender equal laws
@8TCC85MBiju Janata Dal4yrs4Y
No, we should focus on the root causes behind such crimes and work towards solving them
Shift from a retributive to a rehabilitatibe judicial system.
No, punishment of crimes should be equal regardless of gender. However, the conviction rate should be increased.
@8QY29V3Bharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
It is totally recommended that punishment and other things should be increased. But at the same time increasing or enforcing heavy punishment will also bring unfair use of these laws. So we must also create counter laws for them.
@8QCRHS2Bharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
Enforcing the punishments' is more important
as long as they do it for men too yes
@SKVDW8Bharatiya Janata4yrs4Y
Increasing punishment is not going to solve anything. If we look at the profile of the criminals, all of them started with small crimes and emboldened went on to rape and murder. It is the general lawlessness which pervades in our society which is the cause.
Punishment of crimes should be equal regardless of gender. There should be a focus on changing the mindset of those who commit such crimes and not allowing such a mindset to develop in the first place.
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