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 @8HHPCV3Bharatiya Janataanswered…4yrs4Y

Yes, because there are political parties sucking up to many social groups like caste, language etc. so why not religion.

 @8KBSNSPBharatiya Janataanswered…4yrs4Y

First, there is an urgent need to decouple state and religion. Just having secular in the constitution doesn't help. Remove all affirmative action based on religion. Bring in UCC. And no, political parties should have nothing to do with religion.


Vote for development instead of caste or religion and promote those political parties which focuses on developing the nation

 @8PY2VNYBharatiya Janataanswered…3yrs3Y

No , further thus will lead to radicalism and dictatorship and we are secular and soft power

 @9DY2CBXfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO


 @962KL2Y from GU answered…1yr1Y



As long as they don't make religious policies, they can use religion in politics

 @8QCVXDFAam Aadmianswered…3yrs3Y

Which party is not religion based? It is the lifeblood of most of the politicians.


Yes, only as long as they are fair to all citizens of all beliefs equally.

 @8K8LNKDBharatiya Janataanswered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but the party should only be based on dharmic religions, not abrahamic religions.

 @T66YNVBharatiya Janatafrom Maharashtra answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, any group should be allowed representation in politics. Having said that, i also feel that India should be declared a Hindu Democratic Country with equal treatment to all religion. Every Religion has a country apart from Hinduism.


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