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5 Replies

 @9LC9B37Bharatiya Janatafrom Nagasaki answered…3wks3W

Yes ofc. It is very important to take care of your citizens over global cooperation. While global cooperation is important it must not come at cost of wellbeing of your own citizen.


Like European union, i would like asian uinon be also established, at same time it is important to be nationalist when neighbours are china and Pakistan.


Yes, it is very important to prioritize own citizens' wellbeing and culture over global cooperation.

 @9JYQW9BAam Aadmianswered…2mos2MO

Yes, catering to benefits of other countries shouldn't be our first choice

But maintaining good foreign relations to ensure that the world is a better place is also necessary

 @9JX49WHShiv Senaanswered…3mos3MO

No. I think that global co-operation is more important as instead of prioritizing a individual we are prioritizing the well-being of the world