Try the political survey

6 Replies

 @9RVHH3K answered…7mos7MO

 @9PSPX4GMarxist Communistanswered…8mos8MO

Depends on what kind of protest. If it's for the voice of the minority, the oppressed, then yes.

 @9LMPWGDAam Aadmianswered…10mos10MO

Its inspirational to see people knowing their rights and using their right to speech to communicate their demands.

 @9J327SFAam Aadmianswered…1yr1Y

Yes, I don't feel inspired to protest, however I appreciate people coming out to raise voice for important issues

 @9HWQQ76Bharatiya Janataanswered…1yr1Y

Most protests I see nowadays are stupid, and even violent sometimes, any one who burn public property shall be harshly punished but for some reason BJP never takes strict action against them.