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18 Replies

 @9RJK6JCBharatiya Janataanswered…7mos7MO

I don't mind hearing any language as long those people also learn the local language


I would feel alien to it, but I learn to accept it as diversity is one of the fundamental parts of Indian society, and shows the beauty of multiculturalism.

 @9PSPX4GMarxist Communistanswered…8mos8MO

I believe every state should have their own Language, along with English as their official language. And when I hear a new language, I kind of get intrigued by it.

 @9K8DMT2Indian National Congressanswered…12mos12MO

Our nation is rule by government who does not care it people and only on profit


I feel curious to know more about the language, the context that it comes from.

 @9J8CN96Bharatiya Janataanswered…1yr1Y

In India, it is impossible to come across someone everyday who doesn’t speak your mother tongue or local language but still we can communicate without any problems because everybody speaks Hindi and English (not all but most of them these days).

What’s wrong is minority appeasement and imposing certain restrictions by emphasizing on a particular language.

 @9J4W2HRBharatiya Janataanswered…1yr1Y

I have curiosity as to what that language is and will like to understand more if we have a common tongue. I feel that way because I believe there will always be multiple language being spoken by human and learning about more language makes one more broad.

 @9J327SFAam Aadmianswered…1yr1Y

I don't care. India is home to hundreds of languages and it shouldn't matter what language one speaks.

 @9J2Q9D7 answered…1yr1Y

Mental and health rights against makings over gays and useful actions by rapes and **** ups staff need Indians good helps

 @9HWQQ76Bharatiya Janataanswered…1yr1Y

I love to see the diversity in India, India is the true democracy of the world, unlike the 2 party system we have thousands of parties, hundreds of cultures and languages all coming together and somehow holding together for over 70 years shows the success of the Indian model of democracy, it is chaotic and slow and inefficient at times but India is still the best and the biggest democratic experiment out there and I am proud to be a part of this journey.

 @9LMPWGDAam Aadmianswered…10mos10MO

I feel proud and humbled because there are many other languages that I don't know and there is nothing wrong with it. Every person, every community has their own language, and however small the group maybe, the culture and the language has to be respected because that is what secularism means. No language is superior. It is just a means of communication and everyone is entitled to their own comfortable means.

 @9JYQW9BAam Aadmianswered…1yr1Y

India has a lot of languages most of them I don't speak or understand

It's none of my business if someone else wants to speak their language within their house

The majority language of a state and its culture should be respected though

 @9JW7J48Bharatiya Janataanswered…1yr1Y

I have a feeling of alienation and confusion and i believe its because we havent been exposed to such languages except the ones we speak .


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