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7 Replies

 @9LC9B37Bharatiya Janatafrom Nagasaki answered…4wks4W

Mutual cooperation between humans instead of radical ecologism should be the way to solve ecological crisis.

 @9L8XFLSIndian National Congress answered…4wks4W

Small actions collectively and consistently taken in right direction will surely make an impact.


The action of one person is enough to begin a revolution, as can be seen throughout history.

 @9LM4CSJBharatiya Janataanswered…2wks2W

Somewhat true. Banning ICE vehicles and pushing for EVs doesn't make the coal electricity more ecofriendly.

 @9LKW7TZBharatiya Janata answered…2wks2W

Everyone plays an important role in a community. And the combined efforts of individuals can have a huge impact on the environment.

 @9LMPWGDAam Aadmianswered…2wks2W

No action is small. Every small action can make a large scale difference. If every individual can start small, a positive outcome will be inevitable. If no individual takes an initiative there will be no outcome.


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