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2 Replies

 @9LP7SQ4 answered…3 days3D

It is the role of country to look after its people and labour union help in securing worker rights and fair wage but at the same the it should be fair and shouldn’t hurt the economy a lot

 @9HRZR58Bharatiya Janataanswered…4mos4MO

It depends on certain unions. Suspicious unions which involve in unfair activites and are hurting the economy should be investigated and banned from forming again.


Help if it is well organized and functions in the way it should, free of corruption and unnecessary bias.

 @9CZS32RIndian National Congressanswered…9mos9MO

Hurt the economy in the short run, but necessary for a healthy economy.

 @92QJ8LZBharatiya Janataanswered…2yrs2Y

help , but they must be registered with labour ministry so as to check that they do not stall the work unnecesarily


well some damage the economy in a bad way which i don't like and some help the economy to grow. For example if they demand higher pay that's they'll have more money to spend which will boost the economy and some often hold protests which causes serious damages which is not good

 @8TBL8DVBharatiya Janataanswered…3yrs3Y

Ok moderation they help take care of employees but shouldn’t go to the extent of overthrowing the organisation


they are helpful for the economy, labour unions are important, but they should follow the Gandhian approach, instead of marxist approach.


There's no one answer. Labour unions are needed against exploitation sometimes

 @9CQYQS8Marxist Communistanswered…9mos9MO


They're fighting for workers' rights but in the foundation of capitalism. Not prepared to transition to another system.

 @9CQKMPSIndian National Congressanswered…10mos10MO

It's depends case to case. To be honest there are unions who have done well on the other hand there are corrupted ones too.


If a private union adds more layers before an output or decision is reached then they hurt the economy. But the question is if people welfare is affected and if that will impact economy in the long run.


Unions are good but they're not necessarily innocent all the time. All their funding must be audited every year.

 @9CQ6NHDBahujan Samajanswered…10mos10MO

Labour unions are necessary for healthy economy, at the same time their ambitions to increase their wage or income sometimes hurt economic, when wages increase, price also increase, which creates cost bulid up inflation

 @9CQ5D8ZIndian National Congressanswered…10mos10MO

Typically help but they are sometimes a barrier to industrialisation so it's about picking the lesser of two evils at our stage of development


Politicians heading unions must be banned, only workmen should have representation and politicians should not have any direct role in any union.

 @9CQ25GTNationalist Congressanswered…10mos10MO


They often hurt economic growth but also provide substantial protection to workers, providing some economic benefits long term.

 @9CPYCW7Indian National Congressanswered…10mos10MO

Help, but power imbalances and union laws should be aggressively discussed & scrutinized in light of recent misuses

 @997DPNZAam Aadmianswered…1yr1Y


Help but workers active participation required and less interference by employers

Help , but criminal activities done by Trade union members must be investigated and when found guilty, must be given the suitable punishment.


We need unions to hear their grievances if they propose true problems and causes we need to take their views into account

 @8QQP994Bharatiya Janataanswered…3yrs3Y

Labor Unions have a social aim rather than an economic one, so the question is incorrect.


In an open society, freedom of association is an important plank. Collective bargaining in itself is not evil. Issues between businesses and unions need not be confrontational.


Workers have a right to unionize, regardless of its effect on economy.

 @8P25ZW7Bharatiya Janataanswered…3yrs3Y

They protect the interests of workers, but they interfere in the development of the country due to frequent strikes.



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