Yes, as long as it does not threaten violence
No, freedom of speech laws should only protect you from criticizing the government
Yes, because I don’t trust the government to define the boundaries of hate speech
No, and increase penalties for hate speech

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Yes, as long as hate speech is constructive and does not protect derogatory language about the government and any of India’s cultural groups.


yes, As long as it is that hateful it has perpetrated material loss to property and life .


Yes as long as it doesn't incite violence targeted towards a particular community and since the government has no right to decide the boundaries of free speech


Punishment to be given if it is seriously and solely aimed at demeaning a particular community .


no, not in any case anyone should be allowed to stimulate hatred publically or even personally and there should be minimal community service penalties and strict punishments for violence inclusive speeches.


If you are tolerant of intolerance then you give rise to an intolerant society

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