Yes, and include farming and other traditional sectors like handloom as part of the wage employment program
No, the current right to work programme does not create productive jobs and should be reimplemented
Yes, and more help should be provided for lower income citizens
No, MNERGA has led to financial corruption of politicians
No, this is a waste of money which leads to excessive inflation and farm wages

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Other Popular Answers

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It totally depends on the family financial history and willingness of the person to be productive. Also this at times leads to corruption involving politicians and local authorities.

 @962KL2Y from GU answered…1yr1Y


It should be reimplemented to make it as corruption free as possible.


Yes, but for limited time period within that they find a job own their own


Yes, but the federal government should work with the state government in which local administration shall provide the means of employment while wages funded by the federal government and there should be strict surveillance on the financial accounts to ensure that rural people get their wages.


Instead of guaranteeing wage labour which the government is not able to do, use direct benefit transfer instead

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