Essayez l’enquête politique

28 Réponses

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

La Cour mondiale ordonne à Israël de lutter contre la famine à Gaza en pleine guerre

In a landmark decision, the World Court has unanimously ordered Israel to take immediate action to ensure the provision of basic food supplies to the Palestinian population in Gaza, amidst accusations of genocide by South Africa. The ruling comes as the region faces a dire humanitarian crisis, with the enclave's residents suffering from severe shortages of food, water, fuel, and other essential supplies. The international community has been closely watching the situation, which has escalated tensions and highlighted the urgent need for humanitarian intervention.

The court's decision…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Le pape François présente l’amélioration de la santé et de l’inclusivité dans les rituels précédant Pâques

Pope Francis has recently been observed in notably better health, a development that has come as a relief to followers around the world ahead of a demanding Easter schedule. The pontiff, who has faced health challenges in recent weeks, demonstrated his resilience by walking into the Vatican audience hall unassisted, using only a cane, for his weekly general audience. His voice was clear and strong as he delivered his prepared text, signaling a significant improvement in his condition. This positive change in his health comes at a crucial time, as the Pope prepares for the busy Easter period,…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Xi Jinping engage les PDG américains pour rassurer et renforcer les liens commerciaux entre les États-Unis et la Chine

In a significant move to bolster confidence in China's economic landscape and mend fraying ties with the United States, Chinese President Xi Jinping recently held a meeting with more than a dozen American CEOs and academics. This gathering, aimed at reassuring US business leaders, underscores Beijing's intensified efforts to attract foreign investment and smooth over the complexities of US-China relations. Amid concerns over falling revenues and security issues, Xi Jinping's dialogue with the CEOs was a strategic attempt to present China as a viable and attractive market for…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Le gouverneur du Texas publie un décret pour lutter contre l’antisémitisme dans les universités

Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday issued an executive order to combat what he calls acts of antisemitism at Texas universities and colleges.

The executive order requires that colleges and universities review and update their free speech policies to include the definition of antisemitism and to establish "appropriate punishments" for antisemitic speech and acts on campuses. Those punishments may include expulsion, according to the order.

The order also says colleges and universities should ensure their free speech policies are being enforced on campuses, including, specifically, that "…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Les universités devraient-elles avoir le pouvoir d’expulser les étudiants qui tiennent des propos jugés antisémites, ou existe-t-il de meilleurs moyens de gérer de tels incidents ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Est-il juste de discipliner des groupes d’étudiants en fonction de leurs slogans politiques ou les universités devraient-elles protéger toutes les formes d’expression étudiante ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Croyez-vous qu’un gouvernement devrait définir ce qui constitue un discours de haine, comme l’antisémitisme, dans le cadre des politiques universitaires ?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

La Russie publie des preuves liant les terroristes de Moscou aux nationalistes ukrainiens

The suspects in last week’s Moscow terrorist attack were linked to Ukrainian nationalists, the Russian Investigative Committee stated on Thursday, citing preliminary findings. The perpetrators had received “significant sums of money” from Ukraine, the law enforcement agency said.

The investigators have obtained “substantiated evidence” that the suspected assailants received funding from Ukraine in the form of cryptocurrency, which was then used to prepare the terrorist attack, the statement read.

Law enforcement officers also identified and detained another suspect who was allegedly involved in financing the attack, the Investigative Committee said, without identifying the individual.

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Quelle confiance accordez-vous aux preuves fournies par un pays dans le cadre d’une enquête politiquement chargée ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Quelle est votre réaction face à l’utilisation des cryptomonnaies pour financer des activités illégales, comme le terrorisme ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Pensez-vous qu’un pays devrait être tenu responsable des actes de ses ressortissants à l’étranger s’ils sont liés au terrorisme ?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Trump assiste aux funérailles d’un policier assassiné à New York

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday will join grieving relatives and thousands of uniformed officers at the wake for slain NYPD cop Jonathan Diller — as he continues to harp on rampant urban crime during his bid to reclaim the White House.

Trump touched down at a rainy MacArthur Airport on Long Island shortly before 2 p.m.

Trump’s presence at the Massapequa funeral home promises to shine a spotlight on Diller’s senseless death during a traffic stop in Queens on Monday, with the slain cop serving as another tragic example.

It is unclear what led to Trump’s expected…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Si vous étiez un membre de la famille de l’officier assassiné, comment percevriez-vous l’attention d’une personnalité politique pendant votre période de deuil ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Selon vous, quel message la présence de Trump envoie-t-elle sur l’état de la criminalité urbaine et le rôle des forces de l’ordre dans la société ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

La présence d’un ancien président aux funérailles d’un officier assassiné honore-t-elle sa mémoire, ou risque-t-elle d’éclipser le service et le sacrifice de l’individu ?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Le vice-président de RFK Jr. qualifie la FIV de « l’un des plus gros mensonges racontés sur la santé des femmes »

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate has been a harsh critic of in vitro fertilization, while funding alternative research on extending women’s reproductive years.

Nicole Shanahan has for years denounced IVF — calling it “one of the biggest lies that’s being told about women’s health today.”

At the same time, she has also been a vocal proponent of and financial backer for unconventional research into the possibility of helping women having children into their 50s and exploring no-cost interventions to help women conceive, such as exposure to sunlight.…  Lire la suite

“I’m not sure that there has been a really thorough mitochondrial respiration study on the effects of two hours of morning sunlight on reproductive health. I would love to fund something like that,” Shanahan said to a 2023 panel with the National Academy of Medicine, a group to which she had previously donated $100 million.The statement was met with chuckles, “Yeah, let’s do it,” she added. “I just have an intuition that could be interesting and maybe work.”

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

La croyance selon laquelle les embryons sont des enfants affecte-t-elle votre opinion sur l’accessibilité et la moralité du traitement de FIV ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Que pensez-vous de la priorité accordée au financement destiné à prolonger la fertilité naturelle plutôt qu’aux technologies de reproduction établies comme la FIV ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Comment concilier le désir personnel d’avoir des enfants biologiques avec les préoccupations éthiques qui peuvent découler de procédures comme la FIV ?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Des entreprises sud-coréennes offrent 75 000 $ à leurs travailleurs pour avoir des bébés

Korean construction group Booyoung is offering workers a $75,000 bonus for each baby they produce, one of many eye-catching incentives on offer as politicians and companies grapple with the country’s demographic crisis.

“If Korea’s birth rate remains low, the country will face extinction,” Booyoung chair Lee Joong-keun told employees last month.

South Korea’s total fertility rate — the average number of children a woman is expected to give birth to in her lifetime — fell from 0.78 in 2022 to 0.72 in 2023, according to government figures. It is projected…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Comment les primes importantes accordées pour avoir des bébés peuvent-elles affecter la relation entre les employeurs et les employés ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Une prime de 75 000 $ influencerait-elle votre décision personnelle d’avoir un enfant, et quels en sont les avantages et les inconvénients potentiels ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Pensez-vous que les incitations financières constituent un moyen éthique d’encourager les gens à avoir plus d’enfants ?

 @BicameralEddiede Georgia soumis…2 mois2MO

Chris Christie se prononce contre la candidature de No Labels à la présidentielle

Chris Christie has decided against running for president with No Labels, depriving the centrist group of yet another big-name candidate for its proposed third-party ticket.

The former New Jersey governor, who ended his second Republican presidential campaign before voting began in this year’s primaries, said he had received “encouragement” to pursue a third-party run but has chosen not to.

“I believe we need a country that once again feels like everyone has a stake in what we’re doing and leadership that strives to bring people together, instead of using anger to…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Compte tenu de la décision de Chris Christie, quelles sont, selon vous, les valeurs les plus importantes qu’un leader doit avoir dans le climat politique actuel ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Si vous étiez à la place de Chris Christie, vous présenteriez-vous à la présidence en sachant que vous pourriez aider indirectement un rival, ou démissionneriez-vous pour le bien commun ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Pensez-vous qu’un candidat tiers à la présidentielle puisse efficacement contester le système bipartite ou cela ne ferait-il que provoquer davantage de divisions ?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

La Russie va abattre des F-16 en Ukraine

Russia has no designs on any NATO country and will not attack Poland, the Baltic states or the Czech Republic but if the West supplies F-16 fighters to Ukraine then they will be shot down by Russian forces, President Vladimir Putin said late on Wednesday.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has triggered the deepest crisis in Russia's relations with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Speaking to Russian air force pilots, Putin said the U.S.-led military alliance had expanded eastwards towards Russia since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union but that Moscow had no…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Comment l’idée selon laquelle des pays puissants influencent les conflits de pays plus petits affecte-t-elle votre vision de l’aide militaire internationale ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Que pensez-vous de l’équilibre entre le droit d’un pays à se défendre et le risque de provoquer une guerre plus vaste ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

La communauté internationale devrait-elle respecter les limites des zones de conflit ou intervenir avec un soutien militaire lorsqu’une partie est dépassée ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Pensez-vous que la menace russe d’abattre les F-16 constitue une légitime défense ou une escalade inutile ?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

La famine à Gaza pourrait constituer un crime de guerre

After months of warnings, a recent UN-backed report offered hard statistical evidence that the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is turning into a man-made famine.

It has increased the pressure on Israel to fulfil its legal responsibilities to protect Palestinian civilians, and to allow adequate supplies of humanitarian aid to reach the people who need it.

The UN's most senior human rights official, Volker Türk, said in a BBC interview that Israel bore significant blame, and that there was a "plausible" case that Israel was using starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza.

…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Comment l’accusation de crimes de guerre potentiels, comme le recours à la famine, affecte-t-elle votre perception des actions d’un pays dans un conflit ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Quelle est votre opinion sur la responsabilité de la communauté internationale lorsqu’une population civile est menacée de famine ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Est-il parfois acceptable d’utiliser la nourriture comme une arme dans un conflit, et pourquoi pensez-vous ainsi ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Pensez-vous que le droit d’un pays à se défendre justifie des actions qui conduisent à la famine dans une autre région ?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Bill Maher s’engage à empêcher la réélection de Trump

In a series of recent public statements, HBO host Bill Maher has emphatically declared his intention to do 'everything he can' to prevent former President Donald Trump from reclaiming the presidency in the upcoming election. Maher's comments, made during an interview with Variety and other media outlets, highlight the comedian and political commentator's deep-seated opposition to Trump's potential return to the Oval Office. Maher, known for his sharp wit and often controversial takes on politics, went as far as to say he would prefer to vote for 'Biden's hea…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

La Tchéquie cible l’influence pro-russe avec de nouvelles sanctions

In a significant move to counter pro-Russian influence within the European Union, the Czech government has imposed sanctions on individuals and entities accused of engaging in influence operations. Among those sanctioned is Viktor Medvedchuk, a pro-Russian oligarch and former Ukrainian politician, known for his close ties to the Kremlin. This action underscores the growing concern among EU member states over Russia's attempts to sway political dynamics within the bloc.

The sanctions, announced on March 27, also target the news website, accused of disseminating pro-Russia…  Lire la suite