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 @ISIDEWITHlié…2 mois2MO

"Imputations préposterous": L'Inde riposte après que le Canada ait cité des diplomates indiens comme des 'personnes d'intérêt'

India on Monday strongly rejected a diplomatic communication from Canada suggesting that the Indian High Commissioner and other diplomats were persons of int

 @ISIDEWITHlié…2 mois2MO

L'Inde critique le gouvernement Trudeau pour l'avoir "salie pour des gains politiques".

New Delhi has accused Ottawa of ?hostility? after Canada linked its diplomats to a Sikh separatist murder case India issued a rebuke on Mo

 @ISIDEWITHlié…2 mois2MO

L'Inde rejette fermement les allégations du Canada, citant l'agenda politique de Trudeau.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) issued a strong statement on October 14, 2024, denouncing Canada’s suggestion that India’s High Commissioner and other diplomats are “persons of interest” in an ongoing investigation.