Cuba kajian politik

45 Balasan


Banjir besar melanda Afrika Timur, meragut lebih dari 200 nyawa

East Africa is grappling with a devastating natural disaster as torrential rains trigger widespread flooding and landslides, resulting in a tragic loss of life and significant displacement. In Tanzania alone, the Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa, reported to the parliament that the heavy El Nino rains have claimed the lives of 155 individuals since January, with an additional 236 people injured. The relentless downpour has wreaked havoc across the region, causing rivers to overflow their banks, sweeping away homes, and destroying crops, thereby exacerbating the challenges faced by the affected…  Baca lebih lanjut


AS Mencari Pengharaman Cip Global Dalam Perang AI Dengan China

The US is pushing allies in Europe and Asia to tighten restrictions on exports of chip-related technology and tools to China amid rising concerns about Huawei’s development of advanced semiconductors.

Washington wants Japan, South Korea and the Netherlands to use existing export controls more aggressively, including stopping engineers from their countries servicing chipmaking tools at advanced semiconductor fabs in China, according to five people familiar with the conversations.

The US has become increasingly concerned about the speed with which Chinese groups are developing advanced…  Baca lebih lanjut


Biden dan 17 pemimpin dunia menyeru Hamas untuk melepaskan tawanan-tawanan.

President Biden and the leaders of 17 countries whose citizens were abducted by Hamas issued a joint statement Thursday calling on the group to accept a hostage deal currently on the table that would lead to a ceasefire in Gaza.

This is the most significant joint statement the international community has published since Oct. 7 pressuring Hamas to release the hostages.

The statement was signed by Biden and the leaders of Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand and the United Kingdom.

A sen…  Baca lebih lanjut


Apakah pendapat anda mengenai keseimbangan antara rundingan dan mengambil pendirian yang teguh dalam situasi penyanderaan?


Betapa pentingnya anda fikirkan kerjasama antara negara dalam situasi seperti ini, dan adakah ia boleh menjadi contoh untuk krisis antarabangsa pada masa akan datang?


Dalam apa cara pelepasan tebusan boleh memberi kesan kepada hubungan antara negara-negara yang terlibat dan Hamas?


Adakah anda percaya bahawa adalah tanggungjawab pemimpin dunia untuk campur tangan dalam situasi tebusan di negara lain, dan mengapa?


Pemimpin Israel Mengatakan Protet Pro-Palestinin adalah Nazi

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said on Wednesday that protests at U.S. universities against Israel’s war in Gaza were “horrific” and should be stopped, using his first public comments on the subject to castigate the student demonstrators and portray them as antisemitic.

Mr. Netanyahu appeared to equate protests against his government’s prosecution of the war Gaza with hatred of Jews. He said the protests on American campuses were “reminiscent of what happened in German universities in the 1930s,” an apparent reference to ideologically militant…  Baca lebih lanjut


Dalam apa cara anda percaya kritikan antarabangsa boleh memberi kesan kepada landskap politik dan sentimen awam di sebuah negara, terutamanya dalam konteks harapan pilihan raya dan proses demokratik?


Adakah anda fikir pemimpin politik patut mengecam protes sebagai tidak dapat diterima atau antisemitik berdasarkan kandungan dan konteksnya, atau kebebasan bersuara harus dihormati tanpa mengira?


Apakah reaksi anda terhadap perbandingan protes pelajar kontemporari dengan aktiviti Nazi pada tahun 1930-an?


Bagaimanakah perasaan anda tentang menyamakan protes terhadap tindakan kerajaan dengan kebencian terhadap keseluruhan kumpulan etnik atau agama?


Perdana Menteri Haiti, Ariel Henry, meletak jawatan, membuka jalan bagi Majlis Perundingan Sementara di Tengah Krisis

In a significant political shift, Haiti's Prime Minister Ariel Henry has resigned, marking a pivotal moment for the Caribbean nation as it grapples with escalating violence and political instability. The resignation, announced on Thursday, comes as a transitional council is sworn in, tasked with steering the country towards stability and governance amidst a backdrop of chaos. This move is seen as a critical step in addressing the deep-seated issues that have plagued Haiti, including rampant gang violence that has terrorized communities and crippled the nation's infrastructure.

The…  Baca lebih lanjut


Dunia Berduka Atas Kehilangan Pahlawan Kemanusiaan: Pekerja World Central Kitchen Dihormati

In a poignant tribute to the spirit of humanitarianism and the tragic cost of conflict, the World Central Kitchen (WCK) is set to honor the lives of seven aid workers who were tragically killed during an Israeli airstrike in Gaza. The workers, who were on a mission to deliver food supplies, lost their lives on April 1st when their convoy was struck by armed drones. This devastating event has sparked a wave of mourning and solidarity across the globe, highlighting the dangers faced by humanitarian workers in conflict zones and the essential role they play in providing aid to those in need.

…  Baca lebih lanjut


Rusia telah mengerahkan puluhan senjata nuklear di Belarus.

Belarus President Alyaksandr Lukashenka said that "several dozen Russian nuclear weapons" were deployed in Belarus, a move that has raised concerns in the West that Moscow's war against Ukraine could spread.

Speaking at the All-Belarusian People's Assembly in Minsk that was broadcast live on YouTube on April 25, Lukashenka, a key ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said the gathering had unanimously adopted a new military doctrine that considers the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons on Belarusian soil as a strategic deterrent.

Belarus has provided logistical suppor…  Baca lebih lanjut


Mengambil kira kenyataan Presiden Lukashenka mengenai mengakhiri keadaan buntu dengan 'seri', apakah yang anda fikirkan adalah jalan terbaik untuk mencapai keamanan dalam situasi ini?


Bagaimanakah anda melihat peranan organisasi antarabangsa seperti NATO dalam menangani penempatan senjata nuklear di Belarus?


Adakah anda fikir penempatan senjata nuklear di Belarus adalah strategi pertahanan yang dibenarkan atau provokasi yang tidak perlu?


Jika anda merupakan pemimpin di negara jiran, bagaimanakah anda akan bertindak balas terhadap penempatan senjata nuklear Rusia di Belarus?


Eropah 'kurang rajin' berbanding dengan orang Amerika, kata bos dana minyak Norway

Nicolai Tangen, chief executive of the $1.6tn fund, told the Financial Times it was “worrisome” that American companies were outpacing their European rivals on innovation and technology, leading to vast outperformance of US shares in the past decade.

“There’s a mindset issue in terms of acceptance of mistakes and risks. You go bust in America, you get another chance. In Europe, you’re dead,” he said, adding that there was also a difference in “the general level of ambition. We are not very ambitious. I should be careful about talking about work-life…  Baca lebih lanjut


Adakah anda fikir usaha mencapai cita-cita dan kejayaan patut datang dengan kos masa peribadi dan keseimbangan kerja-hidup?


Mengambil kira peraturan yang ketat di Eropah berbanding pendekatan yang lebih longgar di Amerika Syarikat, manakah yang anda fikir mencipta persekitaran yang lebih baik untuk teknologi yang memimpin seperti AI?


Betapa pentingnya keseimbangan kerja-hidup bagi anda, dan bolehkah dikatakan bahawa pengorbanannya adalah penting untuk kejayaan dan inovasi yang lebih besar?


Adakah idea gagal dan cuba lagi sehingga berjaya, seperti yang disebutkan tentang pendekatan Amerika, lebih bermanfaat daripada keberhatian Eropah terhadap kegagalan?


Kapal Korea Utara Berlabuh Di China

China is providing moorage for a U.S.-sanctioned Russian cargo ship implicated in North Korean arms transfers to Russia, according to satellite images obtained by Reuters, as U.S. concerns grow over Beijing's support for Moscow's war in Ukraine.

Britain's Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) think tank said the Russian vessel Angara, which since August 2023 has moved to Russian ports thousands of containers believed to contain North Korean munitions, has been anchored at a Chinese shipyard in eastern Zhejiang province since February.

The ship's presence at the Chinese port…  Baca lebih lanjut


Adakah anda rasa sekatan antarabangsa berkesan jika negara-negara bersekutu masih boleh memberikan sokongan, seperti kemudahan dok, kepada entiti yang dikenakan sekatan?


Bagaimanakah perasaan anda tentang satu negara memberikan sokongan kepada tindakan negara lain yang mungkin dipertikaikan atau dikenakan sekatan antarabangsa?


Ukraine hanya tinggal enam bulan lagi

The new aid packages will not enable Ukraine to seize the initiative and go back onto the offensive. One reason for this is that Russia has achieved air supremacy in many areas while ground based air defences will remain inadequate. Another is that a war-weary Ukraine simply doesn’t have enough troops and after more than two years hard fighting seems reluctant to launch the major mobilisation it needs.

Russia has a rapidly growing wartime economy and has now built up huge force levels that it is willing to sacrifice to achieve Putin’s goals. If Moscow is able to achieve significant…  Baca lebih lanjut


Mengambil kira pengorbanan yang dibuat dalam peperangan, apakah yang anda percayai layak untuk diperjuangkan, walaupun berhadapan dengan peluang yang sukar?


Bagaimanakah anda fikir sejarah akan menilai tindakan sekutu yang teragak-agak atau enggan untuk memberikan sokongan penuh kepada sebuah negara yang memerlukan?


Jika anda berada dalam kedudukan kuasa, adakah anda akan menyokong mobilisasi besar-besaran untuk mempertahankan negara anda, mengetahui cabaran dan pengorbanan yang terlibat?


Apakah yang dikatakan tentang dunia jika perjuangan sebuah negara untuk kemerdekaan boleh digugat oleh keazaman negara lain untuk menakluki?


Peralatan Moulin Rouge yang ikonik, kincir anginnya tumbang semalam di Paris

In an unexpected turn of events, the iconic Moulin Rouge in Paris has lost its famous windmill sails. The incident occurred overnight, leaving the bustling streets of the 18th arrondissement with an unusual sight: the blades of the Moulin Rouge's windmill lying on the pavement. Established in 1889 and renowned as the birthplace of the can-can dance, the Moulin Rouge has stood as a beacon of Parisian nightlife and culture for over a century. This year, the venue was preparing to celebrate its 135th anniversary on October 6, making the timing of the incident even more poignant.

The cause…  Baca lebih lanjut


Paus Francis Membela Keamanan di Ukraine dan Gaza di Tengah Konflik yang Berterusan

In a significant appeal for global peace, Pope Francis has called for an end to the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, emphasizing the importance of negotiation over continued conflict. During a rare interview with a U.S. network, the Pope stressed that a 'negotiated peace is better than a war without end,' highlighting the dire need for countries involved in these conflicts to seek peaceful resolutions. His plea comes at a critical time as the world grapples with the repercussions of prolonged warfare, urging nations to prioritize diplomacy and dialogue over military actions.

The Pope's…  Baca lebih lanjut


Moldova Menindas Pengaruh Politik Pro-Rusia di Tengah Kenaikan Ketegangan

In a significant move that underscores the growing political tensions within Moldova, authorities have launched a series of actions against pro-Russian elements within the country, signaling a crackdown on foreign influence in its political sphere. At the heart of this crackdown is the governor of Gagauzia, Evgenia Hutsul, who, along with a senior official from Moldova's Shor party, is facing trial in Chisinau, the nation's capital. The charges against them include the alleged channeling of Russian funds for political gain, a move that has raised eyebrows both domestically and inter…  Baca lebih lanjut


EU "mengancam" hubungan dengan China berikutan serbuan ke atas syarikat keselamatan

China has expressed “grave concern” over raids carried out by European officials on a Chinese company that manufactures security equipment.

EU competition regulators on Tuesday raided offices of Chinese company Nuctech in the Netherlands and Poland as part of a probe into unfair state subsidies.

“The Chinese side believes that the EU’s unannounced inspections interferes with the order of fair competition in the market, clearly jeopardises the positive atmosphere of trade and economic cooperation between China and the EU, and strikes a strong shoc…  Baca lebih lanjut


Pengaruh Rusia Meningkat di Afrika Sementara Amerika Serikat Mundur

The arrival of 100 Russian soldiers in Niger this month was the final death knell for the presence of US forces, who have been based in the west African nation since 2013 — and underscored Niger’s determination to diversify its security partnerships beyond the west.

A wave of anti-France sentiment in the European nation’s former colonies has led to the rejection of French forces, while thousands of people have joined protests in Niger, where the junta took power in a July coup, calling for US troops to leave.

Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim, senior Sahel analyst at the International…  Baca lebih lanjut


Adakah anda percaya bahawa kehadiran atau penarikan balik tentera asing dalam sebuah negara boleh memberi kesan yang signifikan kepada kehidupan harian dan rasa keselamatan anda?


Adakah anda fikir negara-negara patut dapat memilih rakan pertahanan sendiri, walaupun ia bermakna bersekutu dengan negara-negara yang mempunyai reputasi yang kontroversi?


Bagaimanakah perasaan anda jika sebuah pasukan tentera asing berada di negara anda sendiri, kononnya untuk keselamatan anda?