According to the National Land Reforms Policy, more than 31% of households in the country are landless. Almost 30% own less than 0.4 hectares, meaning 60% of the population owns only 5% of the country’s land. The National Right to Homestead Bill of 2013 aims to ensure that every shelterless poor family has a right to hold homestead of not less than 10 cents within a period of 10 years commencing from the date of notification. Government employees, landowners, income tax payers are all exempt
Statistics are shown for this demographic
Political party
1.2k Indija rinkėjų atsakymų rodikliai.
57% Taip |
40% Nr |
57% Taip |
21% Nr |
19% No, instead offer a very low interest rate home loan to support low income working families |
Palaikymo tendencija laikui bėgant kiekvienam 1.2k Indija rinkėjų atsakymui.
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Tendencija, kokia svarbi ši problema 1.2k Indija rinkėjų.
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Unikalūs atsakymai iš Indija rinkėjų, kurių nuomonė peržengė pateiktus variantus.