India ranks #8 in the world for military expenditures, spending $46B or 2.5% of GDP per year.
Statistics are shown for this demographic
6.5k Indija rinkėjų atsakymų rodikliai.
80% Padidinti |
20% Mažinti |
60% Padidinti |
10% Mažinti |
13% Increase spending to modernize all areas of military and national defense |
4% Decrease, and increase research and development of intelligence technology instead |
7% Increase, but only use domestic research and development |
3% Decrease, and divert military funds towards health and education |
2% Decrease, and increase foreign diplomatic relations instead |
0% Decrease, and India should disarm itself of nuclear weapons |
Palaikymo tendencija laikui bėgant kiekvienam 6.5k Indija rinkėjų atsakymui.
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Tendencija, kokia svarbi ši problema 6.5k Indija rinkėjų.
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Unikalūs atsakymai iš Indija rinkėjų, kurių nuomonė peržengė pateiktus variantus.