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 @T4FD7Gติงานประกันชีวิตจาก Karnataka ตอบแล้ว…4ปี4Y

India is a secular country.... So no question to raise this question with tag line 'Minority groups', public awareness is required to popularize this theme. Instead make a vibrant civil society where all are enjoying the equal rights bestowed by Constitution of India.

 @SNGL42จาก West Bengal ตอบแล้ว…4ปี4Y

All citizens should not be categorized based on religion; this has been the biggest mistake of India, leading to the Partition and all. If India can forget religion, it will be far better off. And I'm not a communist, just a human being. We are all human beings on earth, and there is most probably no afterlife. So we better forget about it at least when we are here.

 @SNBZRDAam Aadmiจาก Andhra Pradesh ตอบแล้ว…4ปี4Y