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 @SRGVGFام عاجماعتChandigarh سے جواب دیا۔…4 سال4Y

what is needed is wider & better targeting and political will to tackle the issue of black money. Reducing income tax rates beyond an optimum level will not be helpful as justified by the concept of laffer curve.

 @SRBZ5Kام عاجماعتDelhi سے جواب دیا۔…4 سال4Y

Taxes must be made uniform. Remove the slabs and standard deductions. Let everyone, even a farmer pay same percentage of tax as a wealthy billionaire.

 @SR4JK2Karnataka سے جواب دیا۔…4 سال4Y

Perhaps a bit, but should be accompanied by broadening tax base and better enforcement with strong penalty for avoidance.

 @SQX62Nبھارتی جنتاKarnataka سے جواب دیا۔…4 سال4Y

Income tax may be reduced but it should cover more no. of people paying income tax.But it can not be significantly reduced as it is a major part of revenue generated by the government.