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How might subconscious biases impact decisions on pay, and what can we do as a society to counteract these biases?


If an employer provides different salaries for the same job, how does that affect the morale and productivity of employees?


In terms of career opportunities and growth, how might equal pay influence your career choices?


Do you believe that the gender wage gap is a product of societal norms, and how can we change that?


What value do we place on work traditionally done by women compared to work traditionally done by men, and is it reflected in pay?


How might your viewpoint on gender pay equality change if it was a family member being paid less?


If you discovered a co-worker of the opposite sex was being paid less for the same work, what would you do?


Can you think of any reasons why two people doing the same job should be paid differently?


What impact do you think equal pay for both genders would have on society and family dynamics?


How would you feel if you found out someone with the same role at your part-time job was earning more just based on their gender?